Mornings are tough for everyone. Before joining the real world I used to be that person, you know the one who didn’t get “enough” sleep unless she woke up after 11:00 AM. But, now that I have so much more on my plate, i’ve completely change my sleeping habits and can’t sleep in past 7:30 AM- and I love it.
That’s right, you read that right, I LOVE being a morning person. I’ve instantly added 4 hours to my day, have more energy, and can get so much more done. Today, i’m sharing some tips that helped me change my schedule and feel 10 x better throughout the day. Hope they help!
1. Stop Hitting the Snooze: I’d argue that one of the easiest ways to become a morning person is to forget that the snooze button exists. If you’re honest with yourself, that little button is probably the biggest obstacle in the way of you and a productive start to your day. So, when you set an alarm, stick to it. If you can’t put your alarm out of your reach- you’ll thank me later.
2.Change your Workout Routine: One of my primary motivators to getting up early in the morning is getting to the gym early and getting my body moving. I’ve found that if I go to the gym first thing, I feel better throughout the day. If you can force yourself to get up and go to the gym, great. But, if not, join and pay for a morning class in advance to help motivate yourself.
3. Have a glass of water: Every day when I wake up I start my day with a huge glass of water. It may sound silly, but apart from the proven benefits, it completely wakes me up and gets me ready for my workout. Try switching out your cup of coffee for a glass of water and I promise it will completely change how you feel.
4. Cook a healthy breakfast: J and I cherish our mornings because we get to spend a few minutes together before we both go off to our busy days filled with work. Every day we get up and cook a healthy breakfast to start the morning on a good note and the promise of that moment has me jumping out of bed every day.
5. Check something off your to-do list: As you’ve clearly seen from a previous post on the importance of organization, I love a good to-do list. Every morning I make it a mission to check something off that list- even if it’s small. There’s something about knowing you accomplished a goal before 9:00 AM that keeps you moving all day.
6. Make the bed: This one could just apply to me- what can I say, I freak out when the bed isn’t perfectly made and it always tops my list of priorities when starting my day.
I’m definitely not naturally a morning person, but I do love getting things done early in the day! Good tips, though I don’t know that I can stick to no snooze button. 😉
The snooze button is never an easy habit to break! 😉