As you know by now, I’m not doing resolutions in 2019. I don’t really agree with them, and honestly think that they set you up for failure. When I looked back on my resolutions from 2018, I realized just how much I struggled. And, i’m pretty sure that most of us fall into that same boat. So, how can we make 2019 the “Best Year Yet?” Or, at least a good year? By challenging ourselves to do better, be better and strive for better.
That’s where my new blog series “Get Inspired” comes into play. In sticking with my new word of the year, Intentional (more on that here), i’ll be sharing posts that issue challenges to help me (and you) become a better version of ourselves in 2019. I’m by no means an expert on wellness, but it’s my hope that taking little steps and sharing them with you along the way will lead to a happier, healthier year. This series will cover everything from fitness, to health, beauty, food and more and i’m looking forward to sharing a little more about me personally through it too!
The Let’s Move Challenge:
Today, i’m launching the series by focusing in getting moving in 2019. This January, I’m committing myself to working out for 30 minutes a day, and challenging you to as well! Why 30 minutes? It’s realistic and attainable, but still pushes me to do something for my body every single day.
A Few Workout Suggestions:
I started this challenge early, and have been pushing myself to try new methods of working out. Some days, it looks like a long walk with the dog and others it’s a BBG sweat session that leaves me passed out on the floor of of my office. Here are a few 30+ minute workouts that I’ve been loving:
- Start the 12 week BBG at Home Workout. I’ve got the PDFs, but i’ve heard great things about the app too!
- Find new Fitness Bloggers to follow on Instagram and try their Workouts.
- Take the dog for a long walk. Tyson loves it, and I do too!
- Give Tone it Up a Try. I haven’t tested this one out personally, but have friends that love it.
- Go for a family run. Jordon, Tyson and I run at least 4x a week, and I love it. I also love running, but didn’t always. Just give it a shot and start slow!
- Get outdoors. OKAY this might be tough given it’s winter. But, buy some fleece lined leggings and go for a hike. J and I loved hiking in the mountains when we lived in D.C.!
- Take up Yoga. Yoga is great for an at-home workout, and can be so clearing for the mind too.
- Join a group class. A friend and I took up Solid Core once a week a few months back, and had a blast going to classes together (and getting lunch after – hah.)
Need some motivation to get going? Try starting the challenge with a friend, Investing in some new workout clothes (like this set from Fabletics), or keeping a fitness journal to keep yourself in check. For me, it takes a lot of pushing from Jordon (thanks, babe) and a lottttt of new workout clothes.

Shop my Workout Look:
Here’s to happier, healthier year!
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