Spring has arrived! And, with it has come the feelings of new opportunities and chances. If i’m being honest, Spring has never been my favorite season. You can blame my extra busy work schedule and allergies for that one. But, I do love the first feeling of warm weather, the blooming flowers and the promise of summer days soon to come. I always use this season as a chance to freshen up, reprioritize and reset.

Why? Because Spring is full of promise. A promise to start again, to get outside, to get moving. Freshening up your mind, body and home for spring doesn’t happen overnight. But, making a commitment to yourself to tidy up this time of year can set you on a path of success for a successful Summer and Fall. But, where do you start? And, what should you prioritize?
Here are four ways you can freshen up this Spring.
1. Declutter Your Space
As a self-proclaimed Home Decor nut, it should come as no surprise that “freshening up” for me starts with clearing out your space. I do a MAJOR overhall of my entire house this time of year. I start by transitioning my closet and getting rid of any clothing I haven’t worn all winter. (More on this in my Guide to Becoming a Minimalist)
Next, I get rid of our winter decor, add in more greenery and life with our plants and do a MAJOR deep clean of our space. Sure, the process is normally a full day. But, for me it’s worth it because having a clear mind starts with having a clear space.
2. Get Outside + Get Moving
After being cooped up in a gym all winter, there is NOTHING I love more than getting outside and moving as soon as the warmer weather hits. In our home that looks like long walks with our dog, evening runs along the trails near our home or even just stretching outside on our back balcony.
There is something SO freeing about getting outside after a long winter. And, i’ve found that by shifting my workouts outdoors my mind is instantly refreshed and ready to get back in shape for the Summer months.

3. Take up a New Hobby
Everything about spring is “new”, so there’s no better time to take up a new hobby. This year, it’s meant taking time to sit outside and read. Or, for J, it’s meant joining a basketball league. Whatever “it” is for you, I encourage you to use Spring as your opportunity to just go for it.
4. Spend Time with People
Winter is all about staying in and hiding from the cold, so I always start Spring by spending a little extra time with the people that matter most. Weather it’s weekend trips with friends, family dinners or simply unplugging and sitting outside with Jordon for an hour at night, I always try to reset my mind and fill my time with the people I love.

These are a few things that I do each time spring rolls around to try to reset my mind, body and home for the warmer months. It’s SO important to prioritize yourself and your health this time of year!
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Aww I love this so much!! Spring is the best time to start all of these things! <3
XO, Katie | http://www.meshkomoments.com