This year i’ve shifted my perception on buying and collecting “stuff”. Ever so slowly, i’ve made subtle changes that are putting me in the self-subscribed box of a “minimalist.” This slow change has made me realize that less, is in fact more.
My transition to becoming a minimalist was not a quick change. In fact, it’s been a year or so in the making. When we first moved into our home we knew that we didn’t want to have a bunch of “things” lying around. So, we got rid of extra clothes taking up hangers and knick knacks that had purpose or sentimental value. And, it was so freeing. My space, and my mind, feel so much less cluttered. I only keep things I truly love (hey, thanks Marie Kondo) and, I no longer have the feeling of wanting new things all the time.

How To Make the Transition to a Minimalist Lifestyle
1. Use it or lose it
You can’t really make a big change, without first going through everything. And, I really do mean everything. I, personally had A LOT of it. Part of being a blogger is having loads of PR boxes around at all times, which means i’ve acquired a lot of “stuff” the past four years. I started by going through my closet, then moved on to makeup and beauty products, and finally tackled knick knacks.
The first clean out was tough, because it is hard to get rid of excess things. But, each season it gets easier and easier. Now, I set aside time every two – three months to declutter our house, which always leaves it feeling fresh, clean, and tidy. My new mantra is simple: Use it or lose it.
2. Stop Browsing
As a lover of shopping, the worst thing I used to do for myself month after month was “just browse.” Whether I was browsing websites for new clothing or browsing target to pass the time It always ended up with the same result: new stuff.
Now, I no longer mindlessly check my favorite store’s websites or head to Target and/or HomeGoods when I’m bored. Instead, I’m productive. Or, I pick up a book. Next time you’re looking to buy, really think about if it adds value!
3. Simplify your Time (and Your Calendar)
Minimalism doesn’t stop at decluttering your space. Rather, it’s about your mindset. If i’m not careful my Consulting Company, Blog, hobbies and personal relationships take up ALL of my time, leaving me feeling stressed and tired.
Instead of mindlessly agreeing to another coffee date, spend your time wisely. I won’t schedule back-to-back meetings anymore because it always left me living in the future instead of focusing on the present. Yes, this will involve saying “No” more, but the satisfaction of controlling your time and focusing on the present is oh so worth it.
4. Unsubscribe
How many marketing emails do you think you get in a given day? Mine has got to be over 20, and that’s on a LIGHT day. A few months back, I unsubscribed to ALL of them, and it’s so freeing.
I didn’t realize just how overloaded I was getting with constant pressure to buy this, that, and the next. The second I opted out, I opted in to the things that really matter. So, don’t be afraid to miss 15% off here and there, I promise hitting that unsubscribe button is 1,000x worth it.
5. Unplug For at Least an Hour a Day
I reached a point last year when I realized that 85% of my free time was still occupied by computers, tv, Netflix, social media or mindless app, which was downright terrifying. Ever since that moment (more here) I’ve spent a minimum of 1 hour off of my electronics every single day. Nothing is more freeing than turning off your notifications, trust me.
6. Simplify your Meals
The other big change we’ve made over the past few months is to spend more time cooking in, and buying fewer foods. Instead of tons of snacks, we focus on healthy, nutritious meals that will actually add fuel to our bodies. It took some getting use to at first, but our healthier diet has left both Jordon and I both with more energy.

Stepping back from the culture of “buy, buy, buy” has left me feeling so free. I don’t feel as weighed down and distracted as I used to, and honestly, it has helped me to feel more creative and inspire. Considering taking the leap? Let me know how it goes in the comments below!
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Love this!! These are such great tips!! I feel like the minimalist life is so appealing to me, but I sturggle because I like things. lol Thanks for sharing! Also, I love your look!
XO, Katie | http://www.meshkomoments.com
Love simplifying your time and calendar!! I’ve been working on that and it feels so good!