If you would have told me 3 years ago that at 23 I would work full-time, plan a wedding, run a blog, take care of a fiance (and a really cute pup), and still find time to get a minimum of an hour workout in every single day I literally would have laughed in your face. I’ll admit i’m hyper organized, but that’s even a lot for me.
Having an active lifestyle can be really tough and, I’m going to be 100% honest here, it really doesn’t get easy. That being said, there’s nothing better than feeling healthy. I love knowing that i’m taking care of myself because 1) who doesn’t want to look their best and 2) the amount of energy you get from working out is better than any Espresso.
With it officially being 2016, and our wedding being just 5 months away, i’ve kicked my workouts into overdrive to find a fitness program that works for me. I hope my tips below help you to do the same!
1. Make the time: This sounds like a no brainer, but it’s truly the most important part of changing your fitness routine (and in my opinion, the hardest part). If you read my organization post last week, you learned just how OCD I am when it comes to my schedule and planner. I literally pencil in workout time. No joke, it’s on my to do list every single day. I live by my planner so if it’s in there I do it. If you don’t have a planner, make a commitment and stick to it. Determine when you can squeeze in some gym time, and make it happen. Even if I can only get there for 20 minutes, I always go.
2. Play the part: When I first realized I had gained some weight from college and needed to head to the gym, I felt like such a phony. I had never needed to workout and rarely did, so getting on an elliptical felt so strange. I hated looking around me and seeing everyone in their perfectly coordinated workout outfits who clearly knew exactly what each machine was meant for. So, I pretended. I bought some nice Nike workout clothes, some killer running shoes, and I copied all of the “how to” pictures on the weight machines. After a few weeks, I got the hang of it and didn’t have to fake it anymore.
3. Don’t be intimidated: Speaking of “those” gym goers. You know, the ones who literally look like they live there. Don’t let them intimidate you into not working out. I can’t tell you how often I moved out of the way when some muscle man came over to use the weights. But, here’s the truth. Everyone started somewhere, and to be honest, people come to the gym to work and focus on themselves. So, in the words of Nike, Just Do It.
4. Stay for 45 Minutes: It can be really hard to stay on a cardio machine for 45 minutes. When I first started my cardio training, it literally seemed like an eternity. My main form of cardio is running and when I first started I could only run for 15 minutes, so for the remaining 30 minutes I just walked. Because I stuck with 45 minute cardio training I added more and more time to my run and a few years later I run at least an hour at a time.
5. Develop a Routine: Shocker…. I’m a morning person. Why? Because i’m WAY more productive at work when I get up early, go for a run, and get my body moving. That being said, working out in the morning isn’t for everyone. Some people get an extra burst of energy in the afternoon. Find what works for you and make it happen. Learn what time you like to workout, figure out what machines are your favorite and follow it. The sooner you make a routine, this chore turns into a pretty fun activity.
Somewhere along my fitness journey working out became less of a chore and more a lifestyle and I’m incredibly thankful for that. The tips above are solely based on my personal experiences, and I hope they help you as much as they have helped me!
These tips are so awesome! I wasn’t expecting things like “fake it” and “don’t be intimidated” but they speak to me for sure. I go to a gym that’s mostly older people, and even they have coordinated outfits, which makes me feel so lame in my wide-leg Adidas pants and t-shirt. Maybe I need to just invest 🙂 I have been making time for the gym this year, and I always feel so better when I do! Thanks for the great tips.
Thanks so much Jenn! When I first got started I seriously felt like such a phony and somewhere along the way I became a gym “person”! I have no doubt the same will happen for you 🙂