This past year was one of so much change for us. We bought our first home. J got a promotion. I started my own company. It was FULL of changes, each one better than the last. And, it got me thinking. Just because you’ve always been a certain way, had a certain job, lived a certain lifestyle etc. doesn’t mean you have to be that way forever. Turns out, it’s not so hard to chase after your dreams and accomplish a whole heck of a lot in a year. How did we do it in 2018? I’ll tell you…
1. Find your Tribe
“Our” people are one of the best investments we can make in ourselves. Have you ever had those friendships that weigh you down? You know, that friend who’s maybe a little selfish or doesn’t push you to your limits or even makes you feel down? Been there, done that. (Hi, Highschool Kenzie). The second that I started prioritizing positive people in my life it immediately changed the way I felt about myself.
This past year, I’ve connected and reconnected with friends who push me to take risks, support my wildest dreams and bring out the best qualities in me. In short, my tribe pushed me to be a better version of myself last year, and I’m so grateful for them.
2. Change Your Career
Your career is such a big part of your life. If you’re spending 40+ hours a week doing something meh, it’s probably dragging you down. By taking a leap and trying something new, you can breath a little life into your day to day!
I’ll add to this point that there’s never a “right” time to change your job. Trust me, there wasn’t even a “right” time for me to start my company. Sometimes, you just have to have faith in yourself and trust your gut!
3. Clear Out the Clutter
Whether it’s emotional baggage, junk around the house or just “stuff”, dragging too much from the past is no way focus on the ew year, new you mindset. I’ve always had terrible anxiety, so my clutter is the negative thoughts and self doubt I always carry with me. Last year, I focused on the positive. And, didn’t let those pesky thoughts get to me. Doing so led me to start a company, buy a house and meet tons of new people.
Not sure where to start? If you’re carrying emotional clutter try working on your confidence. You’ll find me repeating mantras all day when I need an extra boost (more on this from the Every Girl) If you suffer from more physical clutter, I can’t recommend the Konmari Method enough.
4. Make Yourself Uncomfortable
I’m a firm believer that being too comfortable can be a bad thing. Sure, sometimes it’s nice to have the “Woohsa” moment. But, complacency is born in comfort. I’ve been cursed (and blessed) with always focusing on the Next thing in life, “oh great i’ve achieved X, now how can I work towards Y”. It’s not always a good thing, but it does help me push myself.
My biggest piece of advice for making 2019 your year, is to shake things up. Ask for that promotion, try a new workout class, head to a new networking event. Whatever it is that you’ve been putting off for fear of discomfort, take it head on. I promise, it’s oh so worth it.

Want more wellness? Take a look at these Four Things That It’s Ok To Be Selfish About.
I love these! I defintely need to work on doing more things that make me uncomfortable! It is really a struggle for me. I need to just do it without thinking of the consquences!
It’s a huge struggle for me to! But, once I did take the leap, it was worth it 🙂 XOXO