Hope you guys are having an amazing Friday! I can’t believe we’ve already made it to the end of the week – can I get a hallelujah?! This week J and I had our design appointment for our new home (you can read more about that here), and I got ready for a work trip coming up early next week (see you soon, Phoenix!). We’re certainly staying busy, which is helping to distract me from this cold weather we’re experiencing!
This weekend we’re even supposed to get a bit more snow (ughh) and I just keep telling myself at least I won’t be forced to leave my house! If you haven’t figured it out by now, i’m just really not a winter person. I tend to just hibernate and wait for spring to arrive. But, i’m trying to be a little more optimistic about the weather the only way I know how; by shopping for new winter clothes. You know, the kind of clothes that say, “You win winter, i’ll deal. But, i’m going to look amazing doing it.” And, that’s the exact mentality I had when purchasing this gorgeous purple coat (also available in pink here) that you all seemed to adore on Instagram.
So, it got me thinking… can a colorful coat cure your winter blues? Maybe not, but they can certainly help… right? It’s an awesome time to purchase the coats i’ve rounded up below, because sooooo many of them are on sale as we’re nearing the end of the Winter season. But, that just means it’s the perfect time to restock for next year! Here are my 6 favorite coats to pull you out of your winter slump…
JCREW Cocoon Coat
Fur Moto Jacket
Fur Lined Parka
Canada Goose Parka

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