Today I turn 27. I’ve mentioned before that 27 was the age i’ve always thought i’d have my life “figured out.” Whatever that means… And, now on my 27th Birthday I’m in a much better place than I’d ever thought i’d be. No, we don’t have kids and there are a LOT of unknowns in our lives. But, we own our own home, I have my own business, and I’m the happiest that i’ve ever been.

Today, I thought it would be fun to round up 27 life lessons i’ve picked up in 27 years. They are definitely not meant to be groundbreaking, or even that insightful. But, they are all things i’ve learned so far. Here’s to hoping they inspire you, you can relate to them, or they encourage you to share what you’ve learned thus far too!
1.Kindness is contagious. It goes so much farther than we know, and you never know when you’ll need a little bit to come your way.
2. Find your tribe, and love them hard.
3. Always get on the plane and never pass up an opportunity to travel.
4. Don’t stay in friendships or relationships that make you question yourself negatively.
5. Never be afraid to ask for what you deserve. I spent too much of my life worried about what other people thought, instead of asking for what I had earned.
6. Remind the people in your life that you love and appreciate them. And, say it often.
7. Carry Class with you always. It’s the one thing that will never, ever go out of style.
8. Don’t let your dreams pass you buy. Make sure to give them your full attention, even if that means taking risks or stepping outside your comfort zone.
9. Don’t be afraid of criticism or confrontation. Life is meant to be uncomfortable. When I first started working I would cry anytime someone didn’t like my idea or work. Learning to accept criticism has helped me grow!
10. Find what you love and do that. Don’t waste time working somewhere that doesn’t make you happy, or doing things that don’t excite you.
11. Never be afraid to admit when you’re wrong.
12. Take care and invest in your skin and body. Find ways to take care of yourself as best you can.
13. A year, month, week from now your biggest stressors will be just a memory. Don’t spend too much time sweating the small stuff today.
14. Do your best to let go of grudges. People make mistakes, and the only person you hurt when holding a grudge is yourself.
15. Learn the value of saying No. And, don’t be afraid to use it when you need to.
16. Always push yourself to learn. Invest in your eduction, read about changes to your industry, learn about the past. Education is always valuable.
17. Cut down your screen time. Take an hour a day away from your phone, TV, Computer, Tablet etc. Pick up a book, go for a walk, meditate. Focus on YOU.
18. Stop trying to change people. More often than not, it won’t work and it will be painful for you in the process.
19. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You deserve grace in life, work, relationships. Don’t put yourself down.
20. Give back to your community. Find an organization to volunteer for. Find your passion. No excuses.
21. Have good manners. Don’t forget to say your pleases and thank you’s 🙂
22. Remind yourself to live in the present. I always get so caught up in the future, that I miss living in the now. Take time to reset your mindset and live in the today.
23. Be there for others, as you’d like them to be there for you. I’ve got a few friends that I would do almost anything for. Love those people as hard as you can, and learn to be a good friend.
24. Be a good listener.
25. Learn the value of patience.
26. Choose to be happy and full of gratitude daily. Your attitude is everything.
27. Have fun. 🙂

What life lessons have you learned? Or, mantras do you carry with you daily? I’d love to hear below!
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