It feels like just yesterday that I sat down to write my recap post for 2017. Honestly, I really can’t believe that I’m back writing another end of the year post already.
This year has truly been so transformative for me. As someone who’s not really a fan of change, this year had a lot of it. From furthering the blog, to working a full-time job that often meant nights and weekends too, and buying and decorating our first home… it’s been a lot to say the least.
What I’ve Learned
2018 has taught me so much about blogging and the influencer industry that I didn’t even realize. It’s taught me the types of content I like to create and made me realize the importance of staying true to yourself, your goals and your purpose in an industry that’s so over-saturated.
This year, and really just the last few months, has been a real turning point for me and for the blog (more on this in January). I’ve learned to not take the number of likes I get or the total number of followers I have too seriously. I’ve found a brand voice and editing style. I’ve learned that you can’t always push yourself 200% in your career (especially when you have two), and that sometimes you need to prioritize. And, I’ve learned that sometimes when you’re having a rough day a Number 2 with a Large Coke from Mcdonalds isn’t going to kill you.
I’m not really one for New Year’s Resolutions. I honestly think they’re kind of corny, as I have yet to meet someone who sticks to them for a full year. But, I do like to use the New Year as a refresh. And with that in mind, I have a lot of changes for the blog that I’m thrilled about for 2019, and I’d love your thoughts on them too.
2019 Blog Themes
Home Decor
I didn’t really realize how much buying a home was going to influence the Blog. I’ve gotten really interested in decorating this year, and you guys have really seemed to love it too. So, in 2019 plan on seeing a lot more home decorating tips on the blog and on Instagram! I’d really love to hear what types of tips and interiors you’d like to see more of in 2019!
I love clothes and fashion, but I hate that this industry always encourages bloggers to push the “buy, buy, buy” message. Yes, I’ll still be posting outfits. But, this year, i’ll be focusing on wearability. Meaning, you’ll probably see something more than once and styled in a different way on my feed (GASP).
Isn’t lifestyle such an umbrella term? Like what does it really mean. To me, it means sharing parts of your life that can help add value for others. For me this includes sharing food and recipes, personal posts that go a bit beyond the surface and the places that I travel too. I’m definitely interested in expanding more into this space, and would love to hear about what you want to see too!
Branding and Blogging
Surprised to see this one? I’ll be getting into more of this in the new year. But, I dabbled in sharing some blogging tips this past year, and saw such a positive response from you this year! Apart from this blog, I’m a full time digital content specialist. So, this year i’d like to dive more into the business side of things and share tips and tricks there too!
Word of the 2019
I read somewhere that it can be beneficial to focus on a word for each year. It might be a little bit corny, but this felt like a better idea than a “resolution”, so I’m giving it a shot for 2019. So, what’s my word for the new year? Intention.
From personal to the blog and my business I want to do it all with intention. No more “posting to post”. This year I hope to be intentional with each and everything you see and I do, and hopefully that will lead to a year full of moments that make me smile. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?
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